
Help Us Build A Future That Is Green For All, Not Green For Some

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, we bring people together across racial, social, and partisan lines. We will work with anyone willing to be a part of the solution, even if we disagree. Through our Justice, Tech, and Green For All programs, we are working towards an America with fewer people behind bars, less pollution, and greater opportunities for underserved communities. While we dream of a world beyond pollution, we know that this dream cannot be a reality until we prioritize the communities most impacted by climate change. The Green for All team is working to ensure that, as the green economy grows, all communities will benefit from good jobs, better health, and increased opportunity.

The Green for All Mission

Now that Congress has approved billions of dollars for green infrastructure investments, Green For All is working with federal, state, and local leaders to ensure that this funding gets to the communities that need it most — America’s communities of color.
In the Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in the United States report released by the EPA, it was found that —
  • Black and African American individuals have a 40% higher likelihood of residing in areas with the highest projected increases in mortality rates caused by climate-driven extreme temperature changes. Furthermore, Black and African American individuals are 34% more likely to live in areas with the highest projected increases in childhood asthma diagnoses resulting from climate-driven changes in particulate air pollution.
  • Hispanic and Latino individuals have a 43% higher likelihood of residing in areas with the greatest projected labor hour losses in weather-exposed industries due to climate-driven increases in high-temperature days. Additionally, they are 50% more likely to live in coastal areas with the highest projected increases in traffic delays caused by climate-driven changes in high-tide flooding.

To begin making meaningful progress on eliminating these disparities, we must reimagine how climate investments are allocated.

By expanding the green economy to be more inclusive, we can make the solutions to climate change an opportunity to invest in the communities most impacted by it.

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Caption: In the next decade, Green For All aims to secure up to $178B in federal climate investment for underserved communities and an additional $50B in contracts for minority-owned businesses.

What Green For All is working on

The Green For All team is working diligently to address the disproportionate effects of the climate crisis on America’s communities of color from many angles, including:
To have a just transition to the green economy, we must advocate for climate investments to not only improve the health and well-being of these communities but also create equitable access to the work and wealth opportunities that the green transition promises. Through our work with leaders at the federal and state levels, we are changing this by supporting policies and programs that will create cleaner, healthier communities.
  • Green Jobs & Entrepreneurship. By bringing Black and Brown communities into the conversation, we seek to create a more inclusive green economy.
To achieve this, we’ve launched:
  • Clean Energy Scholarship Program to help more individuals - particularly those in communities of color - take a first step towards a green future, whether getting an education or launching a business.
  • Dream. Org Business Council to ensure that Black and Brown entrepreneurs and innovators are at the forefront of the green transition by lifting up breakthrough ideas and technologies.
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Caption: The

Business Council uplifts Black and Brown entrepreneurs, fosters innovation in the green sector, and encourages cross-sector collaboration. (Pictured) Members of the

Business Council convene at Black Future Weekend.
Transforming Communities. No one knows what a community needs better than the community itself. That’s why

launched the Transformative Communities initiative. With our community-based approach, we are engaging with ten priority communities to help them unlock federal climate dollars that meet their unique needs. This year we will be in Fresno, CA; Washington D.C.; Denver, CO; Miami-Dade, FL; Detroit, MI; Las Vegas, NV; Riverside + San Bernardino, CA; Lumbee River, NC; Savannah, GA; and Richmond, CA.

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