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Climate Reviews

U.K post offices ditches all fossil transport

"We are past the medieval days"



Climate love to Test100

How this ocean was cleaned of plastics

"This solutions is simply amazing"

lifecell National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organization lifecell cool company


Climate love to lifecell National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organization lifecell cool company

Upcoming broadcasts



Aspen Ideas

Climate 2024



Climate Punk Podcast

Climate and empathy



Sustainable Cities

: Time to implement at scale

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play link modified


Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918

Climate love to Clubhouse

Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918

Climate idea to Clubhouse


Climate idea to CDAccount123

play link

movethemoney link

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planted-trees link

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Finance, Insurance & Real Estate

Category filters testing

Depository Institutions

Category filters testing

Race To Pace

Category filters testing

Business Ambition for 1.5 C

Category filters testing

We Don’t Have Time

Category filters testing

Transport Solutions

Category filters testing

This is a plain planted trees list card

Planted trees by users

This one excludes willa_lambert, ta_nea, keanu_reeves

Testing Section for Top Story

Template for Top Story

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Popular climate love

Write a climate review

Voice your opinions on how businesses and organizations impact the climate. Why does it matter?

This is a medium headline

Here is a text

Banner cards 2

Write a climate review

Voice your opinions on how businesses and organizations impact the climate.

Write a climate review

Voice your opinions on how businesses and organizations impact the climate. Why does it matter?

Create a post

This is a medium headline

Here is the text

CTA as a text link

Banner cards 3

Write a climate review

Voice your opinions on how businesses and organizations impact the climate.

Create a post

This is a medium headline

And this is the text in a banner that has App store icons wth links to our app in the two app stores.

This is a medium headline

And this is the text in a banner that has App store icons wth links to our app in the two app stores.

Banner cards 4

This is a medium headline

Here is the text

CTA as a text link

Popular climate love

Go tap agree if you like their solutions

top comments, show author

5 newest, show author

10 newest, show author

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Calendar cards that hide old events

Variable card that hides old events

top comments, no author

5 comments, no author

10 comments, no author

20 comments, no author

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Trending type

Go tap agree if you like their solutions

Partner posts type

Go tap agree if you like their solutions

Most agreed posts (all time!!!)

Go tap agree if you like their solutions

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Recently commented (answered check mark!!!)

Go tap agree if you like their solutions

Newest reviews (agree exclution!!!)

Go tap agree if you like their solutions

10 ids (random)

Go tap agree if you like their solutions

Should Google reuse excess heat?

Most tech giants focus on clean energy while forgetting about their water footprint

Fixed calendar cards (copied with show more, #3)

Events to come (fixed type)

Events to come, more (fixed type)

Variable calendar cards

Events to come (variable type checking everything)

Climate dialogue on We Don't Have Time

Answered Reviews

Recent replies from organizations that have joined the climate dialogue

Climate reviews

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These users are expanding the network1

Preable, huge long text about anything related to nothing agains anything but here a claimed stuff that about something


Those who need to do better

Highlighted for bad climate behaviour

Praised for great climate action

Top rated by our community

Our cool climate influencers

Top users from our community this week


Those who need to do better - checking the long name

Highlighted for bad climate behaviour

Praised for great climate action - checking the long name

Top rated by our community

Our climate influencers - checking the long name

Top users from our community this week (agrees)

New Year special playlist! The first six years of We Don’t Have Time!


Newest reviews

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Here, we are testing card-level user groups (signed in, signed out, zero agrees)

This whole section is only visible to users who have signed out

Fixed position testing

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© 2024 We Don't Have Time – All rights reserved.

We Don’t Have Time is a social media network for everyone who wants to be a part of the solution to the climate crisis. If a large enough number of people want change, and if that energy is directed towards those in charge – change comes. But we don’t have time to wait. The social network is operated by the company WeDontHaveTime AB (publ), whose majority shareholder is the WeDontHaveTime Foundation. The Foundation’s principal purpose is to contribute to a reduced climate impact and an ecologically sustainable environment. Our headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden.

The content of the We Don't Have Time social network is user-generated. The We Don’t Have Time organization does not automatically endorse users’ opinions and claims on the social network. All users of We Don’t Have Time have subscribed to We Don’t Have Time’s Terms of Use, which, among other things, prohibits hateful, abusive, and violent content. All users must also ensure that their content is true and based upon, or originates from, reliable sources. If you discover content that violates our Terms of Use, please notify us immediately. A climate review agree is a way of showing that you approve of the reviews main message. In order to agree to a climate review, you need to use a unique email address or a unique social media account. It is not possible for a registered, unique user to agree several times to the same campaign.

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